We live on the earth with the amount of water about 70%. In that amount, it indicates that water is a very important component of the life of the earth and humans themselves.
Water, which is a natural resource whose availability is unlimited and abundant, must be maintained properly. This is because only quality water can be used and consumed.
Three water quality parameters
In general, quality water needs to meet several predetermined parameters.
Water quality parameters are determined to provide a hệ thống giám sát nhiệt độ độ ẩm (humidity temperature monitoring system) that are clean and free from harmful chemicals, have a suitable pH and temperature, have low ammonia and nitrite content, and are not polluted.
- Physical Parameters
Consist of:
- Brightness. As a determinant of the size of the light in the water caused by particulate matter and the suspension of contaminants, such as industrial waste.
- temperature. Become an important factor related to animal and plant life in the sea. High water temperatures will increase the growth rate, when the temperature is low, the fish will be more susceptible to bacteria or fungi.
- Depth. Determines how much sunlight gets into the water. Living things such as fish are usually stressed when in waters with little sunlight.
- Chemical Parameters
Consist of:
- Acidity level (pH). Good quality water must have a neutral pH, not too acidic or alkaline. This parameter assesses the effect of the level of fertility of the waters and the life of living things.
- Dissolved oxygen (DO). Derived from two sources, the atmosphere and the results of photosynthesis by phytoplankton and marine plants. The higher the dissolved oxygen, the better the water quality.
- Salinity. It is the total concentration of all dissolved ions in the water.
- Alkalinity. Water can neutralize additional acids without lowering the pH level.
- Biological Parameters
Consist of:
- Plankton. Organisms that are very small in size and move with the flow of water. Consists of zooplankton (animals) and phytoplankton (plants). If the amount of plankton in the waters is high, then the survival of all organisms will be maintained.
- fish. The number of fish greatly determines the quality of water in water.
Causes and impacts of declining water quality
Polluted water can be obtained from several causes and various types of waste and waste. Several types of causes of decreased water quality are from:
- Household waste
- Industrial waste
- Agriculture, fisheries, livestock, mining sectors
- Fishing explosives
- Detergent
- Rubbish
- Deforestation
- Oil spill in the sea
These causes will certainly have a bad impact on life. Some of the effects that can be so detrimental and harmful to living things are:
- Flood
- Landslide
- Disease nest
- Dead water biota
- Damaged water ecosystem
- Erosion
- Reduced sources of clean water
- Environmental balance is disturbed
After knowing what the impacts are, we need to take countermeasures, which can be started with the following easy ways:
- Throw garbage in its place.
- Sorting waste properly.
- Save water.
- Reduce the use of chemical detergents.
- Reducing the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals.